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Last Updated: 02 Dec 2024 17:02 ET
Largest net increase in price from previous close.*
Company  Information Company Information
Last Updated: 02 Dec 2024 19:29 ET
 SymbolPrice$ Chng%ChngVolume
Cassius Ventures LtdCZ.H0.15000+0.04000+36.3610,000
Zinc One Resources Inc.Z.H0.18000+0.03000+20.0018,500
Jade Power TrustJPWR.H0.12500+0.01000+8.702,500
Serrano Resources Ltd.SC.H0.08000+0.00500+6.671,499,000
Northern Uranium Corp.UNO.H0.12500+0.00500+4.17580
* The previous close is the closing value for the last day the equity traded.
For example, an inactive stock's previous close may have been from a few days ago.
Stocks that trade in $US have not been converted to $CDN in the above tables. Notes and debentures are also not included in the tables.

PricesCompany Information
Company Name: Bantam Capital Corp.
Industry:Temporarily Unclassified
BCC.H -Bantam Capital Corp.
Date of
20 Oct 1995
Fiscal Year-end: JUN 30
Trading Status: TRADING
Address:c/o 2420 - 31 Ave S.W.
T2T 1T8
Phone: 1(250) 384-0751
Fax:1(250) 384-0771
Xen Stefanopoulos, President
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